Sunday 23 March 2014

Yoga–Introduction-Part 1

Yoga or Yog means Union or synchronization of body, mind, breath (includes subtle prana-vital force), soul and existence. Except for the soul and existence part to really know, the remaining are simple.

For convenience sake, I am dividing into different blog parts. This is Part 1.


In Today’s world yoga has become a fad. New yoga types have come.  But the roots are from the original ones . I will discuss only the original and important ones. First understand it, and then decide which one suits you to follow:

1. Karm Yog:
  •  The Path of Action.
  • Related with Muladhara Chakra 
Doing all type of daily activities (action oriented) and also being aware of self or just witnessing is called Karm Yog.

2. Tantra Yog:
  • The Path of Sensual Awareness.
  • Related with Swadhisthana Chakra. 
  • Enlightened Ones: Shiva 
Participating actively in all types of enjoyments from any of our 6 senses, but being aware of self or just witnessing is called Tantra Yog. Tantra is synthesis of sensuality and spirituality.

Witnessing/remembering our inner self and enjoying any of the following simultaneously:
  • Eyes – Sights
  • Ears – Sound / Music
  • Nose – Fragrance
  • Tongue – Taste
  • Touch – Including Sex  
  • Intoxication – Hard Drinks, Drugs etc.
  • Aghori – Living in unsuitable environments, like cremation place, eating food surrounded by human excreta etc.
  • Mantra – Practices of Mantras 

3. Hatha Yog:
  • The Path of Breathing.
  • Related with Manipura(Nabhi) Chakra.
  • Enlightened Ones: Patanjali
Being aware of self or being a witness to the breath is called as Hatha Yog. It includes the following:
  • Pranayamas – Breathing Patterns
  • Asanas – Body Postures
  • Mudras – Hand Postures
  • Kshatkarma – Techniques for purification of body
  • Bandh - Locking certain parts of body or breath [Kumbhak]

4. Bhakti Yog:.
  • The Path of Devotion (Feeling)
  • Related with Anahata(Heart) Chakra.
  • Enlightened Ones: Meera Bai.
Being aware of self or being a witness to Love, Trust and Devotion is called as Bhakti Yog.

It includes the following stages:
  • Initially being in love with someone, and then gradually Being in love with our inner real self  all the time
  • Initially trusting someone as a Master, and then gradually Trusting and feeling Master grace flowing towards us all the time.
  • Initially seeing the presence of divinity in the Master and/or whole existence,   and then gradually Realizing and feeling grace of divinity (devotion) flowing towards us all the time.
Also refer:

Wisdom Pointer: Identify your type and after reading the next part of the blog (which will come soon) decide which path suits you and follow it.

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