Friday 1 January 2016

Are you Healthy?

First of all Wishing you all a very Happy New Year 2016. May you get what you are searching in life.

Today we will talk about our State of Being and Health via a simple Breath Technic and also how to carry this simple test :

How to breathe?
  • 1 Breath means 1 inhalation and 1 exhalation
  • Breath should be normal. No Pranayama or controlling of breath.
  • If the breath is deep, let it be deep. If it is shallow, let it be shallow. If is stops, let it stop. If it is fast, let it me fast. We only need to count. 
How many minutes?
1 minute only

Results of Breath Per Minute
Breath Rate per minute
Above 18
Stress, Tension, Danger zone. Higher the breath rate per minute, higher the danger. E.g. 30 means take care immediately or may fall into depression.
12 – 18
8 – 11
3 – 7
Yogi / Very Healthy
1 – 2
In Meditative state (Connected with Self, being in peace)
Less than 1
Samadhi state (Connected with Existence, being in bliss)

Key Points
  • This is applicable to adults (age 13 i.e. after puberty to 65 years). However some of it may be applicable across all ages.
  • Do not compete with yourself while taking the test, just enjoy it as it is. 
  • These are general indicators, which will help you to give you a glimpse about your health and state of being.
  • During anger, hatred, jealously our breath rate per minute may be higher which may be temporary. These breath rates, especially higher should not be for a continuous period of time.
  • Sometimes the breath rate per minute in Meditative state and Samadhi state may overlap. Sometimes 1 breath will be in 2 or more minutes also.
  • It is difficult to count our breath during Meditative state of being and Samadhi state of being, because during both these states there are no thoughts in the mind and calculation is done via mind.

Wisdom Pointer:

Breath is window to know your health and state of being – ParamAnandBliss

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