Saturday, 12 December 2015

Osho on Acceptance - Hindi

Osho Acceptance

Yesterday, 11th December was Osho’s Birthday. On this occasion I would like to put a small meditation / lecture on How to attain Peace by Unconditional Acceptance [Sweekar / Raaji]. It is in Osho’s own voice and in Hindi language.

How to do ?
For people who do not understand Hindi, can also refer Unconditional Acceptance for the instructions in English to just get a glimpse of Osho’s lecture in Hindi. I would like to state it clearly that this above reference article cannot be compared with the original Osho’s lecture.

How much time?
12 minutes 47 seconds

File size
6 Mb

Download Link
Kindly download the file from below link and play it as per your need.


Wisdom Pointer:

Those who go on telling you to amend your nature and improve upon yourself are very dangerous people. They are one of the basic causes for your not being enlightened. Nature cannot be amended; it has to be accepted. There is no way to be otherwise. Whosoever you are, whatsoever you are, that's how you are -- that's what you are. It is a great acceptance - Osho

Saturday, 14 November 2015


Prayer means requesting for co-operation to accomplish a given need, want, goal or objective.

Prayer consists of:

     1.   Person who is Praying
It can be any human being

     2.   Future Need, Want, Goal or Objective
It can be general or specific, spiritual or non-spiritual. It is always for future.

3.   Request for co-operation
This is the key. We are only requesting for co-operation

4.   To Whom  
  •  Outer World: It means your network of people whom you are connected. 
  • Deity/Guru: It means any Deity / Guru/ God you trust. E.g. Ganapati (Deity) / Jesus (Guru).
  • Existence: We cannot define Existence.
5.   Gratitude
Express gratitude to whom you are praying, irrespective of the end results. 

Key Points:
  • Gratitude is a part of Prayer. Most people often assume that both of them are same.
  • Prayer is not begging, it is Courage.
  • Difference between Traditional Prayer and Right Prayer
Traditional Prayer
Right Prayer
The Person who is praying expects  results without any effort.
The Person who is praying request only for co-operation.
The main responsibility is of "WHOM" we are asking. E.g. Deity or Guru.
The main responsibility is of the person who is praying

Wisdom Pointer:

  • "The only thing that will redeem mankind is cooperation." - Bertrand Russell
  • "If you are a man of prayer, existence appears as God, as personal" - Osho