Wish, Wish and Wish…
Every living human being wishes. Even a dead man’s soul wishes, only we don’t
know. Today we will take how to fulfill a living human being wishes (i.e. you).
Interesting.. Good… Before I start, I would like to mention a key point “Be
aware of what you want. You may get it.”. Always request the existence to
do the best, because what we feel now is best may be the worst for us when we
get it.
- Buy a physical diary (pocket or standard size) exclusively for your wish list. Name it as “Wish list diary for <your name> , Date: <start date>. No soft copy files (i.e. on computer)
- Always use a pen/pencil to write on it.
- You can also play good Music (Refer Surrounding Environment Cleansing Music).
- Be in Gratitude (Refer Gratitude Mudra for 2-5 minutes) before you start.
- If you are writing with right hand, then with left hand do Gyan/Dhyan Mudra (Refer 3 Important Yoga Mudras) and vice versa. Just observe your hand in which you are holding the pen. It is “Writers Mudra”. Both these combination mudra is the key constituent in penning down your wishes and telling the existence to fulfill it.
- The format will be
Wish list Particulars
End Date
Date: Date which you write down this
wish list
o Wish List Particulars: At the end of
each wish list always write “or whatever existence feels the best”. E.g.
“I want a Ford Car or whatever existence feels the best.” It should be specific.
It is ok if it is not measurable. E.g. “I be healthy”, we cannot measure it.
End Date: Tentative date, if needed, by
this date I need the wish list particulars to be fulfilled. E.g. “I be healthy”
is everyday we need, so no end date is needed.
Priority: High, Medium, Low. It depends
upon how important it is to you.
- Close your eyes for few minutes, see the empty space with eyes closed, then open your eyes.
- When you write visualize as if you have got it, it’s just a matter of time.
- Each wish list you write, a sense of peace at your heart center will come. It means your heart is agreeing to the wish list. If not, it means you are writing for the sake of writing (just a normal exaggerated thought).
- Read this wish list diary every day before going to sleep in night or after you wake up in the morning, sincerely (not seriously).
- If each wish list is read and implemented via Determination Meditation (Refer Determination(Resolve) Meditation) , the results will be faster.
- As new wish list keeps on coming, update the diary.
- Have faith (initially it may be false, its ok) that your wishes will be fulfilled.
- Each Wish list should be positive and affirmative. E.g. Right one- “I am healthy” instead of Wrong One- “I will not be sick”.
- Once the wish list is fulfilled Check / Tick / Cancel mark the wish list particular.
- Keep this Wish list diary safely. Only you can access it.
- After writing do not analyze whether it will be done or not. Just have faith (initially hypothetical faith is also ok) in the Wish List diary and existence will take care automatically.
- You will get opportunities or may have to take action towards fulfilling the wish. Do it with faith.
Wisdom Pointer:
- Writing a Wish list diary simply means confirming your wish and requesting the universal / cosmic energy to provide you the same.
- It is also a Art of putting the wish in our sub-conscious mind, where all miracles happen.