Wednesday, 23 July 2014

Yoga Asana-Lying Down-1

This is in continuation to Yoga Asana-Sitting-1 and Yoga Asana-Sitting-2. It is observed that there is a maze of Yoga asana’s on internet. We will be taking only the important ones. The objective of this blog is not to show how knowledgeable I am, but humbly share only the important ones and Key points which a normal human being can make use of, including me.

As stated in Yoga Asana-Sitting-1 there are 8 important Lying down Asana’s which is divided into:

C. Lying down with back on the ground – 5
D. Lying down with stomach on the ground - 3

Let us take C) Lying down with back on the ground:
1. Markatasana(Monkey Pose): Refer Video-Hindi and Details
Pose 1

Pose 2

Key Points:
·         There are 3 poses
·         Good for Spine and Back

2. Uttanpadasana(Raised Foot Pose): Refer  Video-English

Key Points:
·         There are 3 poses:
o   30 degree left leg
o   30 degree right leg
o   30 degree with both legs
·         In case of back problem do not lift both legs together

3. Pavanmuktasan (Wind Release): Refer Video-English and Details

Key Points:
·         There are 3 poses
o   Left Leg
o   Right Leg
o   Both Leg
·         In case of back problem do not do pose 4 shown in the diagram (i.e. touching chin to knees).

4. Pad vritasana (Making Zero with each leg and both legs)

Key Points:
·         There are 3 poses
o   Left Leg
o   Right Leg
o   Both Legs together
·         In case of back problem do not do with both legs together.

5. Dvi Chakrasana (Wheel Pose / Cycling): Refer Video-Hindi or Video-English

Key Points:
·         There are 4 poses
o   Clock wise – Both the Legs separate
o   Clock wise – Both the Legs together
o   Anti-Clock wise – Both the Legs separate
o   Anti-Clock wise – Both the Legs together
·         In case of back problem do not do with both legs together. 

·         Good for weight loss.

 Wisdom Pointer:

"You cannot do yoga. Yoga is your natural state. What you can do are yoga exercises, which may reveal to you where you are resisting your natural state." ~ Sharon Gannon

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