Thursday, 13 February 2014

Surrender(ing)-The Important Key


It is said that in the path of spirituality, surrendering or surrender is one of the main keys to know self. When I heard this for the first time, I felt it to be the most dangerous thing to happen. If we surrender to some person, that person can really misuse us. If we see today, the so called Gurus are using their disciples to achieve their unethical goals. If the disciples go against them, then they curse them and play all sort of negative mind techniques.

Having said this, let us see it from a totally different perspective from the Spiritual Angle:
  • Surrender is to someone who is outside us, say a person, Form(Object, Photo etc.) or Formless (which is invisible)
  • Surrendering is something on our part.
  • There is no need to surrender to anyone, you can simply surrender. You are significant, not the object.
  • People who are heart oriented can easily surrender than an intellectual person.
  • A Master is Master when he is not. He has achieved non-being; there is no one. Therefore surrendering to such a Master or Guru is simple as there is no bondage.
  • We can also surrender to God as a concept which is invisible. As it is difficult to visualize or understand invisible, we surrender to a Master who is living and visible.   
  • Surrendering to a Master means surrendering to nobody. A bit difficult to understand intellectually.  
  • Osho had said “Separation is Bondage. Oneness is Freedom” . We need to become one and experience the real freedom.
  • Do read my blog Tips for finding a Master (Sadguru)      
Non- Spiritual Angle
We can also extend Surrendering way to our Normal Life which is very helpful. Once we are able to apply this attitude to Non-Action thoughts (see Unconditional Acceptance), life automatically becomes peaceful and blissful. Surrendering doesn’t mean to accept any unethical acts or wrong doings or  running away from the situation.  If understood correctly, it helps us to come in our present state of being. It also helps us to accept those thoughts, events and people which are not in our control.

How it works:
When we apply surrendering attitude, we release all our subtle negative energies / blockages from our system. There is a vacuum created in our subtle systems. That moment we come to our self. At that time, existence helps us in taking the right decisions.

What happens when we apply Surrendering Attitude:
  • We become calm, peaceful and relaxed.
  • We come in our present(now) state of being.
  • In this state, the thoughts that come to us for taking Action, are the best ones, for that situation at that moment of time.  
Wisdom Pointer: In Today’s world, we need to be careful but definitely move ahead. Surrendering helps our energy which is focused too much on our mind center (thoughts) to come to our heart center (feeling). All miracles happen at the heart center.

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