Tuesday, 15 April 2014

Forgive-The Vital Key

Today let us realize why Forgiving is the Vital Key.

Forgiving dictionary means “No longer feel angry about or wish to punish (an offence, flaw, or mistake). “

Let me explain with a small real example from Mahabharata:

After Draupadi(Pandava’s) wife was openly humiliated by Dushshasan(brother of Duryodhana) by trying to remove her clothes in front of everyone.  Krishna came and clothed her by using his 4. Psychic Body State (Refer 7 States of Human Being). After that incident, just imagine the state of Draupadi (this is called as Hell State). Krishna tells her that she currently is in Hell State, and if she needs to come out of this state, she should forgive everyone and just surrender to Existence (Refer Surrender(ing)-The Important Key). She will be immediately transformed into Heaven State .

“Heaven(Blissful) or Hell(Misery) is our state of mind which we currently feel, and not some place outside where we go after our death, told by our so called stupid and dumb priests.”

Further Krishna says that once you are in this heaven state, then Draupadi will be able to take unbiased and correct steps to get justice. When we forgive unconditionally, not only we attain Heaven(Blissful) state, existence takes correct natural steps to get justice.

Whom to Forgive?

  • Any person, event or situation who has created misery to us.
  • Our Self. Lot of people forgive others, but they forget to forgive their own self. We are a perfect, imperfect human beings and its absolutely ok to make mistakes. So, in case we make any blunders, first forgive our self. 

Steps to Forgive?

These following steps may help:
  • Sit in a quiet place, and recollect the person, event or situation.
  • Just in your mind say or a bit loudly to yourself, that you forgive that person, event or situation “as it is”.
  • Take a deep breath and let go that thought with the breath. If we attach our negative thoughts with outgoing breath, for a couple to times, the negative thoughts are released. Don’t believe me blindly, try it and then come to a conclusion. Also refer 2. Kapal Bhatti and 4. Anulom Vilom (Alternate Nostril Breathing)  in Yoga – Basic Pranayama.
  • Do it for a couple of times, till you feel a sense of peace dawning on you.  
Don’t forget the main point, that is forgiving with feeling and not like a robot.

How Forgiveness Work?

When we actually forgive (with feeling and not verbally) we stop fighting with our negative thoughts in our mind. And remember Negative thoughts are naturally embedded in our human being (for survival purposes), and they also multiply exponentially. Negative thoughts become Neutral thoughts or further thoughtlessness state of mind (Now and Here). At this state you are connected with existence. And all natural and blissful moments happen. 

Is the physical presence of the person needed to forgive?

It is preferred, but not necessary.Kindly remember forgiving is on our part, our mind (thoughts). We will be out of hell state. If the physical presence of the other is there, it will also transform them.

If we forgive a person, does it mean we are defeated and no action should be taken against that person?

No. We can either be in a hell or heaven state of mind. The other person wants us to be in a hell state. It purely depends upon us. We cannot control others after a limit. Once we forgive (with feeling and not like a machine or activity), we immediately are in the heaven state. 

The person who has caused trouble, will automatically be in hell state (although that should not be our objective). Its like a mirror reflecting as it is. When we Forgive we become like a mirror to the person who has troubled us.
May be they will be transformed to seek apology and do good positive things. 

Why it is difficult to forgive?

It  is difficult for many to forgive, because of our EGO. EGO finds lot of fun, especially in negative or complex thoughts.  

Wisdom Pointer: 

Its up to you to decide what you want; Heaven State (Forgiving) or Hell State (Unforgiving).

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