Sunday, 6 April 2014

Out of Body Experience

Broadly we have two bodies.
1. Visible (Physical) Body
2. Invisible (Astral/Spirit/Soul/{Atma}) Body. Refer 5. Astral Body(“Atma”) State in  7 States of Human Being

What is Out of Body Experience?
When our invisible body can come out of our visible(physical) body for sometime, it is called as Out of Body Experience. Our Invisible body is connected with the Visible body via a Silver Cord. If this cord breaks, we will be dead.

Out Of Body

Is it Science?
Currently No. Refer 5. Astral Body(“Atma”) State in 7 States of Human Being. Although it is very difficult for Science to reach this state; there stands a remote chance for the same. It is a pure individual experience.

How it Works?
We can have these experiences during the following:
  • Accidentally during 
    • Certain illness
    • Anesthesia
    • Trauma  
  • Sometimes during dreams we feel as we are flying or jumping from a mountain etc. we are actually have out of body experiences 
  • Self Hypnosis Technique
What is the Technique?
As I strongly feel, it should be done under the guidance of an authentic known person in this field, I wouldn’t be able to discuss it in a blog. However there are many articles on internet. I sincerely suggest do under a guidance and also read this article completely.  

Why to do it?
  • We should do it so that the fear of death is removed. We will then actually know that our self/soul is permanent.
  • Once we get this experience, we will actually not be identified with our body. Lot of people (so called philosophers) talk that they are not identified with the body, but in reality it is otherwise. But once they have this experience it will be their actually knowing and not knowledge.
Some Pointers to remember
  • We should have tremendous faith in the person who is guiding us for the 1st time. If we don’t trust then our mind will not allow us to come out of the body.
  • If a Male is doing this experiment then tell a female that if you don’t come back within a few minutes, touch/rub her tip of thumb on his Agya Point (between two eyebrows) on the forehead. He will come back to life. And vice-versa if a female is doing this.
  • If you are having  out of body experience, your life span will decrease by 2 years (approx.) each time you do it. It is because when your invisible body comes back to your physical body, it is not able to realign itself again.
  • We can roam anywhere in this galaxy we want when we are having this experience. 
  • When we are out of body, the invisible body is HERE (Space less) and NOW (timeless). Example: If you think that you want to go to a particular place in USA and currently you are in India(having OOB experience), the next moment your invisible body (soul) will be there.
  • You cannot touch anybody in this state, but can see or listen to what is happening.
  • Some people have Expansion or Contraction of their physical body during this experiment. Even this can be called as Out of Body Experience.
  • There are 3 centres from where you can leave your physical body. Refer Chakras, Yoga and Healing   
    • Swadhisthana Chakra
    • Ajna Chakra – It is easier to come out through this point.
    • Sahasrara Chakra 
Some Live Examples
  • Jesus Christ when he was crucified. He came to life after few days because he knew the art of Coming Out of Body when needed. 
  • Swami Vivekanand died at an early age, because of this experiment on a regular basis. 
Can we do it at home?
Yes. Once your know the knack of doing it.

  • Always carry out this experimentation under the guidance of a Master or any person who is well versed(actually knows and not knowledge) in this technique.
  • If you are doing this experiment, see that you are not disturbed. When you are actually out of body and someone tries to shake your physical body, it is quite possible that it may occur to death, as the invisible body is frightened to come back.
  • If you are having out of body for more than 8 hours, you will be dead.
  • Do not roam far away for a long time.    
Wisdom Pointer: Everyone should try this experiment at least once in their life time, to remove fear of death. It is like dying with Awareness. To have a glimpse of our real permanent self.

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